Planned Giving

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" 2 Corinthians 9:7

Here at Petrie Catholic Parish we are responsible for generating our own income each year.

Parishioners contribute the vast majority of the funds necessary to keep our Parish running, and we thank them for their generosity and commitment. A parish is dependent on the generosity of its parishioners to sustain itself and its many charitable and pastoral works. Generally, this support is through two collections at each Sunday Mass.

These funds go towards the many costs of running a parish and supporting the mission of the Church.
Our faith sustains us through challenging times. Now more than ever, your support is needed to help our Parish to continue valuable pastoral activities and provide ongoing sustainability.

Your ongoing commitment will mean that as a faith community we can continue to exercise our mission of building God’s kingdom, forming disciples, celebrating the sacraments, nurturing the faith of the community, fulfilling our financial obligations and establishing welcoming environment where each person can encounter the person of Jesus Christ.

How do I sign up?

Your pledge can be fulfilled by completing one of the following:

Direct debit

Direct debit from your bank account or financial institution.

Credit card deduction

Planned giving via chosen periodic credit card deduction

Planned Giving Envelopes

Cash via Planned Giving Envelopes placed in the collection basket each weekend.

Give via the Parish Giving App

Your pledge can be done online or via the parish planned giving app.

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